Authorized Push Payment (APP) fraud occurs when a scammer tricks someone into willingly making a large bank transfer to an account controlled by the scammer. Unlike traditional frauds, APP fraud involves the victim being manipulated into authorizing the payment themselves.

How APP Fraud Works

  1. Deception: The scammer poses as a trustworthy entity, such as a bank official, government authority, or a known business.
  2. Urgency and Pressure: They create a sense of urgency, pressuring the victim to act quickly.
  3. Information Gathering: Through social engineering, scammers collect enough information to appear legitimate.
  4. Transfer Request: The victim is then instructed to transfer money to a bank account, which is purportedly safe or necessary for some urgent reason.
  5. Transaction Completion: Once the victim completes the transfer, the scammer quickly withdraws the funds, making recovery difficult.

Examples of APP Fraud

  • Business Email Compromise: Scammers pose as company executives or suppliers requesting urgent wire transfers for fake invoices.
  • Romance Scams: Scammers build a relationship online and eventually ask for money for an emergency or travel costs.
  • Rental Scams: Potential tenants are convinced to pay a deposit or rent for a property that the scammer doesn’t own.
  • Impersonation Scams: Scammers pretend to be from a bank or the police and convince the victim to transfer money, supposedly for safety or investigation purposes.

Role of Social Engineering in APP Fraud

  • Building Trust: Scammers create believable scenarios and use persuasive language to build trust.
  • Exploiting Emotions: They play on emotions like fear, urgency, or empathy to prompt a quick response.
  • Information Exploitation: Scammers may use publicly available information or data from previous breaches to make their claims more credible.
  • Pressure Tactics: Continuous and aggressive communication is used to prevent the victim from thinking critically or seeking advice.

APP fraud is a sophisticated type of scam that exploits trust and urgency. Understanding how it works, being aware of the common examples, and recognizing the tactics used in social engineering are key to protecting oneself from becoming a victim. Always verify, think critically, and proceed with caution when asked to transfer funds, especially in high-pressure situations.

How can Honey Badger help?

Honey Badger uses phone signalling data as a proven low cost, straight-forward way to immediately reduce APP fraud. When a transfer or payment is being made Honey Badger silently and instantly checks:

  1. Call Active – is your customer currently on the phone?
  2. Call Direction – did your customer initiate the call, or was it incoming?
  3. Call Duration – how long has your customer been on the call?

Since scammers and fraudsters phone their targets and coerce them into transferring money or making a payment, the data provided by these insights provides a reliable indicator of when APP fraud may be happening. For more information visit Honey Badger’s APP fraud page.

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Account Servicing

Stop fraud and improve customer experience during account servicing by eliminating SMS One Time Passwords (OTP). Instead, leverage phone based SIM authentication which involves comparing data generated by the Mobile Network Operator (MNO) with mobile device session data. This provides a foolproof way of proving that an individual is in possession of their two-factor device.


This new approach to authentication isn’t susceptible to SIM swap attacks and doesn’t require the user to enter a password. Ultimately, account takeover attacks are blocked, while customer experience is improved and the time taken to service a request us reduced.

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Contact Data Cleaning

Contact Data Cleansing verifies that the contact and personal information you hold isn’t out of date or inaccurate. Data is compared against the information held on file by Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). Whether processing a single record or sanitising thousands of records in batch, you’ll quickly identify bad data.


The case for maintaining up-to-date records goes way beyond good practice for compliance and regulatory reasons. It’s critical to ensuring customers are contactable. Furthermore, it reduces security threats by ensuring communications aren’t sent to the incorrect individuals.

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SIM Swap Detection

SIM Swap Detection is a critical step in stopping account takeover. Why? Because account takeover attacks commonly exploit the ease of which a phone number can be stolen by simply assigning it to a new SIM. This allows bad actors to intercept communications, such as SMS one-time-passwords (OTP), which are used by 93% of enterprises worldwide to verify customers.


SIM Swap Detection instantly and silently checks the history of a SIM card to see when it was last swapped. Recent swaps indicate high risk of fraud, allowing you to take appropriate action, such as failing verification or requesting additional security procedures are followed.

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Social Trace

Social Trace significantly reduces the risk of losing contact with your customers by diversifying communication channels. Simply drop the Social Trace widget into your onboarding workflow and allow customers to connect one or more social channels with just a click.


Lenders who capture social channels are significantly less likely to lose contact with their customers. Why? Because different demographics prefer to engage over different channels. This is particularly important when it comes to collections. Initiating contact over different channels increases your chances of getting a response, which in turn increases the likelihood of resolving late or non payment. 

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Mobile Fraud Check

Mobile Fraud Check allow you detect fraud indicators using data provided by Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). Key checks include device overseas, call forwarding, SIM swap, a high risk number database lookup and much more.

Furthermore, Mobile Fraud KYC allows you to verify a person’s firstname, lastname, date of birth and postcode against the data held on file by MNOs. Since MNOs conduct their own KYC checks on new customers, it gives you the ability to match personal information you collect against a trusted and verified source.


Mobile Fraud Checks happen instantly and with zero customer friction. The data held by MNOs is often more recent and reliable than other data sources and a level of granularity is provided,  allowing you to see how many and which KYC fields matched.

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Mobile Data for Credit Risk

Mobile Data for Credit Risk delivers the data required to predict credit risk based on a persons mobile phone information. Key data attributes include the network provider, line type, and KYC match information. Working in partnership with lenders we’ve been able to clearly identify correlations between this data and the likelihood of a loan going into arrears.


Open Banking Vs Mobile Data. Which is the most effective in predicting bad borrowers? A recent project with a UK lender compared a risk model built with Open Banking against a model built with Honey Badger’s Mobile Data. The results showed that both models outputted almost identical risk scores. The difference? Mobile Data could be deployed immediately with no customer friction required to calculate a risk score.

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Geo Authentication

Geo Authentication™ provides frictionless identity verification that reduces abandonment rates. Users simply select images that they recognise from nearby to their address. In built anti-fraud controls ensure that valid users can complete the challenge whilst bad actors are blocked.


Leading lenders such as Amplifi Capital use Geo Authentication during applications as an alternative to more intrusive identity verification checks, such as document uploads, that cause high friction and lead to increased dropouts. Completion rates with Geo Authentication are 28% higher and have subsequently helped drive an increase in revenue for the business.

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