What Makes Derived Information Powerful?
In our previous post we introduced a new and exciting term invented by us: derived information. More on that here. Now you might be wondering what makes derived information so powerful. Wonder no more. Here’s everything you need to know:
Dictionary.com defines the word derived as meaning ‘to receive or obtain from a source or origin’. The word information hopefully doesn’t need much introduction.
To authenticate people Honey Badger does something pretty cool. Firstly, it takes some known data (aka the source) and determines what other data or information is closely related. Secondly, using Machine Learning Honey Badger finds and collects that related information. Finally, Honey Badger turns the collected information into a user-friendly authentication challenge.
Wait…what!? Stay with me…
The concept is simpler than I probably made it sound. Consider yourself as an example. Let’s take a data point you probably know well: your address. Honey Badger can take your address and find related data points – things like images of well-known landmarks nearby, or recognizable bars and restaurants, or maybe that intersection you drive through every day.

Since you live at your address you know the area well, which means if we show those images in a line-up alongside random images from elsewhere, you’ll recognize the ones from nearby. But fraudsters won’t because they lack the context and knowledge of where you live.
And that, is the power of Derived Information.
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