Wait, we do care, but let me explain. It might be said that one of the things not to do when taking a new product to market is to invent new terminology that your customers aren’t familiar with. Well, that’s exactly what we’ve done.

What is this new terminology you’re wondering?
*Drum roll*
Derived Information.
Add it to your dictionary because you’re going to be hearing more about it.
Essentially, derived information is the term Honey Badger gives to information that is meaningful or known to an individual, but hasn’t been explicitly asked for or stored in a database previously.
It wasn’t that we went looking to invent a new terminology. It just happened because we couldn’t find a way of describing the unique approach Honey Badger brings to authentication. Stay tuned to the Badger Blog for more information on what makes Derived Information so special.
Honey Badger HQ